It doesn't matter

Posted on May 31, 2017

It doesn’t matter if my heart is breaking
I accept my pain

It doesn’t matter if I am wet and shaken
I just let it rain

It doesn’t matter if my soul is darkened
welcome every cloud

It doesn’t matter if my mind is racing
every thought will pass

It doesn’t matter if my head is spinning
it’s a dizzying world

It doesn’t matter if my bones are aching
comfort comes and goes

It doesn’t matter if the waves are breaking
on my steady shore

It doesn’t matter if the stars are falling
I don’t need them fixed

Just let all that happens to me
open my heart

so that

I can recognize you
and accept you
as you are

so that

I know, we know
I am free
you are free

so that

can be right
for both of us

so that

we can enter
that mysterious
living space

where I am present for you
and you are present for me